
a coniferous tree, which is decorated for the New Year, as well as a holiday named in her honor.

The Christmas tree as the most important attribute of the holiday did not immediately become commonplace in our culture.

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Christmas tree legends

Before becoming an indispensable attribute of the New Year, the tree first took pride of place at the Christmas holiday. There are many legends in world culture that tell beautiful stories about how this happened. Here is one of them.

The emergence in Germany of the custom of decorating a Christmas tree

It is established that the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree originates in Germany. This happens, according to researchers, in the XVI-XVII centuries. Who was the first to suggest decorating a spruce tree is not known for certain. Researchers differ. Some believe that this happened in Alsace.


Getting to know the Christmas tree

At the same time, for the citizens of the common class, the tree remained inaccessible to entertainment. Sometimes the children of servants or peasants were invited to the homes of landowners or wealthy townspeople so that they could admire the forest beauty and take part in the Christmas holiday.

How the Christmas tree was organized for children before 1917

The organization of the tree has always been shrouded in mystery. The parents believed that they were preparing a wonderful surprise for the children, which in fact was true.

How the Christmas tree was celebrated in the Soviet Union

The godless government that came to power after the 1917 revolution did not favor the tree as an attribute of the Christmas holiday.

The main and Kremlin Christmas trees of the country

The status of the main one is given to Christmas trees, which are held in Moscow, first in the House of Unions, and then in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. After moving to the KDS, the main tree is also called the Kremlin tree.

Criteria for the selection of conifers

As a result of long-term natural selection, plants have adapted to certain living conditions. Temperature and light conditions, humidity and movement of air masses, soil and its components - all this affects the growth and development of plants.

Features of the growth of coniferous plants

When choosing conifers, we often look at its appearance, shape and rarely imagine how quickly they will grow and change over time.

narrow conical (columnar)

Serbian spruce, prickly spruce Iseli Fastigiate, common spruce Columnaris, common juniper Arnold, Compressa, Siberian fir, common pine Fastigiate, western thuja Aurescens, Smaragd, Europe Gold, rocky junipers of Blue Arrow, Moonglow, Skyrocket varieties;


green prickly spruce, Glauka, Baby Blue Eyes, Koster, Edith, Hoopsii, Norwegian spruce, Norway spruce, Siberian spruce, Serbian spruce, Weymouth pine, Siberian cedar pine, Freizer's fir, balsam fir, Nobilis fir, Nordman fir Menzies' false beetle;


prickly spruce Bialobok, Blue Diamond, Fat Albert; Korean fir, monochromatic fir;


Norway spruce Barryi, Western thuja Cloth of Gold, Hoveyi, Scots pine (at a young age), European cedar pine;


the common juniper Horstmann, the common pine and its form Glauca; Crimean pine, black pine, twisted pine;

The Christmas tree as the most important attribute of the holiday did not immediately become commonplace in our culture.

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